Samantha Achterberg and Isabella Isaksen Reach Final in UIPM World Cup Event

Both American women competing at the UIPM World Cup in Kecskemet, Hungary scored high enough on Thursday to reach Saturday’s final. Samantha Achterberg used a strong 543 score in her combined competition, tied for tenth on the day, and decent scores in the swimming and fencing to post a 1019 that was six points clear of the first person to miss the final. Isabella Isaksen was even stronger in the combined with a 548, tied for seventh on the day, and won 15 of her fencing matches to finish with a 218 in that category and a total of 1042 that had her easily in the final. Jessica Davis failed to qualify for the final after finishing last in the swimming category in her group and struggling in the combined as well.

On Friday Brendan AndersonSam RuddockJoshua Spegman, and Justin Torrellas will try to qualify for the men’s final. This is Ruddock, Spegman, and Torrellas’ first world cup event of the year while Anderson competed in Rome as well. Anderson is the only one to ever advance from qualifying at a world cup event.

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